Thursday, October 22, 2009

Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me

Do you care?  Asking yourself the question does my ex want to get back with me is the wrong way forward.  The real question is do you want your ex back?  If the answer to that is yes, then you can start worrying about what your previous partner wants. 

A lot of people never understand why their relationship ended.  I find it amazing that many people going through a divorce are unable to explain why they are ending their marriage, especially when there are children involved. 

It takes two to break up a relationship despite the fact that it is very easy to blame the other person. Even when someone else has an affair, it isn't always 100% their fault. Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning anyone being unfaithful but sometimes people are pushed into things. 

If you take your man or woman for granted and forget to pay them any attention, they may end up looking somewhere else.  Some people will have affairs just because they can get away with it.  These people do not belong in a monogamous relationship.  But sometimes, a relationship is worth saving and the affair, whilst hurtful, can eventually strengthen the bonds between the couple.

Examining why a couple broke up will help both parties understand the issues in their relationship.  It will highlight those areas that require work.  All partnerships involve work and commitment. 

Men and women often appear to live on different planets never mind speak other languages.  My husband once said to my Dad that he didn’t understand me.  My dads’ reply: that is where you are going wrong son you Never try to understand a woman!

Whilst it is the sexual attraction that initially attracts men and women, it is their compatibility that will keep them together long after the sexual flame resembles a candle as opposed to a flame thrower.  So before you start wondering how your ex partner is feeling, you need to be certain of your own wants and desires.

Are you sure that this person is right for you?  Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with them?  Do you want the same things out of life i.e. kids, traveling, similar standard of living etc?   Do you share the same ideals and views about how to live your life?

It is very important to first establish if you would like to try again.   Knowing what you want will help you to work out what your ex wants.   Despite what Hollywood and other entertainment providers would have you believe, men want stable happy relationships just as much as women.   Generally the male is not as good as vocalizing what he wants and can finish a relationship rather than have to deal with a bad patch. 

So instead of wasting time trying to answer does my ex want to get back with me, why not invite him round for coffee and see what happens.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Get My Ex Back

Do you wonder “how do I get my ex back?”  This article will show you five different strategies to get my ex back.  These are not strategies that can be done in conjunction with one another.  Pick one path and stick to it.

The second path is to be needy.  This is not a recommended path.  When you are needy, you write lots of love letters, pester them with dozens of texts or emails, and call them at least five times a day.  Unless your ex is a real wimp, this will probably turn them off rather than get your ex back.

The alternative to being needy is the second path which is to be available.  If you have some hope that your ex will want you back after you have given them a little bit of space, your best strategy is simply to be available.  Answer their phone calls and emails, give them a shoulder to cry on, and don’t harass them about getting back together.  It’s okay to go on with your life and date other people during this period, but don’t flaunt it in your ex’s face.

If you follow the available path, you’ll just “show up” places where your ex is likely to be hanging out.  You’ll find occasional excuses to call your ex (but never more than once every few days). 

In this path, you will also send emissaries to him or his friends broaching a reconciliation. 

But if you don’t think being available is going to work, you can choose the third path which is to be aggressive – about other people.  If you choose the aggressive path, you are going to play on one of mankind’s primal urges, namely jealousy.

This third path could also be called “date your ex’s best friend” because that is one of the strategies on this path.

What you will want to do is make yourself your ex’s dream girl (or guy) and then pursue his friends.  When you show up at places he or she hangs out, you will pay lavish attention to your ex’s friends and none whatsoever to him or her. 

When you do land a date with your ex’s friend, you should text your ex and ask him what kind of restaurant to make reservations at for your date.  Get in your ex’s face with the fact that you are on the market.

As your ex sees that you are a valuable commodity, they will want you back.  Jealousy is a powerful human emotion.

Be aware that playing games like this could backfire.  If you invest a lot of emotion in “tricking” your ex into wanting you and he or she really is over you, you could hurt yourself badly.  Only you can decide whether this strategy is worth the consequences it may cause you.

So, there are three different paths to how to “get my ex back.”

Friday, October 9, 2009

Are You Sure You Want Your Ex Back

So the relationship is over but now you have decided that you want your ex back.  Are your sure it is your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend you are missing and not just having someone special in your life?   This is especially important if you were the one who decided to break up.

Most relationships go through a bad patch at some point.  Some of the best marriages have survived problems that would have torn apart less sturdy partnerships.  Relationships are all about give and take.  That doesn't mean that one person gives and the other takes!   Men and women are very different and we need to learn to live with one another.

Deciding you want to share your life with someone is a big commitment.  The sexual attraction between a couple, especially in the early stages, can often cloud their judgment and it is surprising how many people enter into long term relationships without having agreed the basics.  Little things like where you want to live and whether you want to have children are often forgotten in the excitement of being together.

Men and women fall out for all sorts of reasons.  At times of financial and family stress, we often pick on those nearest to us.  When you care for another person and know them intimately you have the power to really hurt that person.  If we ourselves are hurting, we often turn that hurt and anger onto the other person.

It is important to understand why you broke up in the first place. If you ended the relationship because one of you wanted children and the other didn't, then you will find that this probably hasn't changed. You may get back together but in the long run will split up again if this issue is not resolved. 

 Forcing someone into a huge life commitment like having a child against their will does not usually result in a long term happy relationship.  If you have very different viewpoints on these life issues, you should stay apart and find someone more compatible to fall in love with.

If, on the other hand, you split up because of jealousy or some other petty incident then your relationship may be worth saving.  If you really miss your previous partner and know that you want to share your life with them, then you must do everything in your power to get back with your ex.

Contact your partner and let him/her know that you would like to meet up to discuss the future.  Do not get involved in a dissection of what went wrong before. It is too easy to put the blame on the other person.  Instead agree that there were problems but that you would like to rekindle the relationship.  

 If you want your ex back and your relationship was serious then you might want to suggest counseling.  It is often helpful to have an impartial person listen to your discussions. You are less likely to lose your temper, storm out and find yourself suddenly single again.

For more help if You Want Your Ex Back go to The Making Up System

9 Steps To Ex Get Back Together

Do you miss your ex?  Get back together is possible.  You just have to know how to do it.

Every girl wants a guy who can understand and connect with her.  There are rules for pursuing a girl after a break up.  I’ll try to explain them in this article about how to deal with your ex. 

Get back together with her using these 9 techniques:

1. Don’t be afraid to call her.   

While calling ten times a day says you’re desperate, phoning once or twice a week keeps you on her radar.

2. Similarly, send her an email from time to time.   

Just saying “what’s up?” gives her the opportunity to reconnect.

3. Don’t date other girls.   

As long as you’re pining for her, be true to her.  If you do occasionally see another girl, don’t sleep with her if you ever want to get back together with your ex.  Get back together without creating a new “history” with other women.

4. Don’t forget her birthday.   

A birthday is a great “excuse” to get back in touch.  Everyone likes to be remembered, celebrated, and even gifted on their birthday.  So, treat her like a princess on this day.

5. Analyze her.

Figure out what she needs in a man.  Be aware of what she says and does when she talks.  You need to understand your ex now more than ever before. 

6. Don’t be jealous.   

After you’ve broken up, you don’t have any claim on her.  So, don’t exhibit jealousy if she goes out with another guy.  Remember she is your ex.  Get back together means that you have to understand this basic principle.

7. Be on the lookout as to how she acts with other guys.   

If she stands up for you when other guys put you down, it’s a good sign she’s still interested in you.  But, if she takes out the butcher knife and stabs you in the back, then there’s not much hope of getting back into a healthy, happy relationship.

8. Don’t play games.   

When you’re broken up with someone you love, it’s easy to start the “mind games.”  But, you can damage her for life with this kind of behavior.  You don’t want to hurt her if you want to get back together.  So, just don’t play mind games.

9. Power is important. 

Hold your cards close to your chest.  Relationships are difficult.  When you are together, you can communicate, but apart, you need to keep your feelings close to your vest.  When you say “I love you” to a girl you’ve broken up with, you’ve given away all of your power and she has you in a precarious position.

So if you want to get back together, keep these points in mind and you will succeed.

Go to the Making Up System now for more help.