Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fight Back How To Win Love Back

Fight Back How To Win Love Back

I think, let us first look at a few testimonials from T 'Dub'

The Magic Of Making Up

How to win love back has been the plight of many who have loved and lost. You may be feeling that it wasn't time for the love to end. If it was a failed marriage or relationship of some kind you may want to try it again. The love that was once there for some reason is gone or is nearly gone. If you aren't ready to let it die and disappear, then you want to know how to win love back.

If you look at love as a war that is constantly being waged then you will understand how easy it can be to lose battles. Things can turn on a dime and while you may have been winning battles left and right you may have seen the tide turn on you. Where it looked like you were winning the war it now looks like it might be lost.

If you aren't ready to give up and admit defeat then FIGHT! If what you are fighting for is worth all the tears that have likely been spilled then by all means try to find some means how to win love back. Winning love back is a hard fight but it can be done. The war should only continue to be fought if it is truly worth it. Take a step back and look at the situation. Make absolutely sure that this is what is best for both of you. If it isn't then it may be best to cut your losses.

When trying to find out how to win love back, you will also want to try and find ways to improve on what you are doing and what you have been doing. Any war that is fought, people have to be able to better themselves if they want to win. Look at what has happened in the past that you have done. Are there things that you could have done differently? Try to find out what those things are. The one you love isn't going to want to go back to the way things were if that wasn't a good situation. Change what you can to be the one you love wants.

Also try to get advice and ask relationship advice on how to win lover back. Any fight takes a strategy and if you are lacking there and need help then you need to get relationship advice. Get someone to help you find out how to fight this war better and win lover back. Also get them to help you find out how to be better lover and a better friend. Those are the keys to getting a better relationship. This is what you are going to have to know when you want to know how to win love back.

You don't want to win love back just so you can lose it again. You want to make sure that what you are trying to bring back together is going to be stronger than ever. You will have to make sure that you are a better person and well worth the risk. You have to learn how to fight and what will make you a better love warrior. Fight for keeps, though, because you want to learn how to win love back for good.

The important thing is to have a step by step plan that will lead you in your heartfelt pursuit.

Frankly, that's what our friend, James, did when his true love dumped me. He fought for his love, he did not give up. He followed a plan authored by T 'Dub' Jackson. When his cause was almost hopeless and he was dying inside, it hauled him up by his bootstraps and helped him get his life's love back. It's called "The Magic of Making Up" and you can check it out "The Magic Of Making Up"

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

4 Steps To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

4 Steps To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

If your girlfriend broke up with you and you want to get your ex girlfriend back, keep reading. Guess what? 9 times out of every 10, if this happened it's because you did something wrong. It can be a little tough for men to maintain relationships with women, but it is still quite possible with the right know how. You just need to figure out what happened to make you go off track so that you can get your ex girlfriend back.

Where did you go off track? Why did your ex girlfriend break up with you? When you are ready to get your ex girlfriend back, there are things that you really need to consider just like these. Some girls will tell you all of your faults in great detail while others won't. When you are trying to figure out what you did wrong, don't be afraid to ask her. This is a big step to learning how to get your ex girlfriend back because it will tell you what she thinks you need to do to make the necessary changes.

I think, first have a look at this video from T 'Dub'

The Magic Of Making Up

If she's not telling you what you did wrong and you still want to get your ex girlfriend back, consider the following things:

1. Pay more attention to her:

You may need to pay more attention to her if you want to get your ex girlfriend back. Women don't like it when you're not paying enough attention to them. This really isn't an unreasonable request on their part. It's vital to every relationship that you give enough attention to your loved ones. You'll score points with her by showing her that you can give her the attention that you need.

2. Give her the emotional support she needs:

Women have a different idea about emotional support than men. If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, you need to figure out what she's looking for in terms of emotional support. She needs more than simply verbal affirmations, so buy her something nice to show her that you care about her. This is a great way to get the ball rolling when you want to get your ex girlfriend back.

3. Whatever you do, do not cheat on her:

This shouldn't bear repeating, but apparently it's necessary: Don't cheat on her! Even if she's cheated on you, or she's been cheated on before, cheating on her will not help you get your ex girlfriend back. If you like sleeping with different women, you don't deserve to get your ex girlfriend back, so don't even bother.

4. Help with the chores!

If you want to get your ex girlfriend back and you still live with her, show her you can help her keep the place nice. Pitch in with the housework and participate as much as you can to show her that you know how to be responsible and that you know how to show your love for her.

When you are ready to get your ex girlfriend back, know that the process is not difficult. It may require some basic life changes, however, because you need to be mature and responsible, and you need to know how to show your love for her. Be loving, caring, responsible and respectful, and you may just get your ex girlfriend back after all.

For more relationship help, have a look at and excellent book T 'Dub' Jackson wrote called "The Magic Of Making Up" Here you'll find all you need and non of the bad advice you receive so many places.

Go, have a look at "The Magic Of Making Up" get your ex-girlfriend back!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

With A Strong Relationship Depression Can Be Beat

With A Strong Relationship Depression Can Be Beat

I think it may be a good idea to have a look at this video from T 'Dub' about all the people The Magic Of Making Up has helped

The Magic Of Making Up

The only thing worse than going through depression is being in a relationship with someone who is showing signs of relationship depression. It is difficult to watch them go through this dark period of life. Many relationships end because of it because there doesn't seem to be any end to it and it begins to wear on both people in the relationship.

Depression makes people think irrationally and causes them to be blind to the good things in life, like you. They will make you feel like everything you do to try and make their world a little better is a wasted effort. It isn't, though.

The fact that you are there beside them means more to them than you will ever realize. They wouldn't blame you for leaving and will sometimes try and make the decision easier for you. They don't really want you to leave, though. They want you to be with them and help if you can.

The first thing that you can do to help them deal with their depression is to understand it. Educate yourself about this mental disorder. Seek out to find what causes it. It could be because they lost a job or did something that brought on a feeling of failure. There are many reasons that it could have started but one thing is certain, even if you are in a strong relationship, depression, once it has begun can snowball.

You will need to make sure that you take care of yourself in this relationship. Depression, gone unchecked, can be contagious. When you are learning about depression make sure that you are watching for signs that you may be exhibiting. If you are then you should be quick in seeking help from psychologists or counselors. Once both of you start falling into depression it may be impossible for either of you to see the light of day. When you start getting worn down because of the weight of it all try and take some time to step back away from it and take care

A past relationship and depression sometimes go hand in hand. When a relationship has failed it is easy to feel like every relationship after that is doomed to fail. Once someone begins feeling that way they will many times turn their current relationships in to a failed one. If this has begun to happen it is important to get relationship advice from marriage counselors and work with them to prevent it. This is not the only reason that marriages or dating relationships fail while one is in depression. Just the strain will cause it to suffer. Seek relationship advice from trained professionals as much as possible.

Above all, do not give up. Believe that you can help them overcome their depression and believe that the effort you are making matters. There are few things more powerful than what can come from a strong relationship. Depression is a tough foe but it can be beaten when the one you love has you to depend on. With a strong relationship depression can be beat.

T 'Dub' Jackson has written a very good e-book about relationships and how to save a relationship. Now if you need some more tips it may be a good idea to go and have a look at it. The name is "The Magic Of Making Up"

Go To The Magic Of Making Up Now!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How Can I Get My Ex Back The Right Way

How Can I Get My Ex Back The Right Way

The Magic Of Making Up

Are you asking can I get my ex back, after losing your boyfriend? Just because you lost your boyfriend, it may not be over. It does not mean that you have lost him forever. In other words, the answer to can I get my ex back is yes, yes you can. But the thing that really matters before you start worrying about it determining whether you really stand a chance. Here are some tips for telling whether or not the answer to can I get my ex back is yes. Even if your ex has moved on, and has no apparent interest in you, you may still stand a chance.

The first thing that you need to do is to convince him that you're still important to him. If you're asking can I get my ex back, then you obviously don't want to lose him forever. He also needs to see that he does not want to lose you forever as well. This is the best way to see if you stand a chance or not. It may seem difficult to show him this, but it's not really that hard if you know what steps to take.

If your concern is can I get my ex back, then you should consider trying to be a good friend to your ex boyfriend first and foremost. Show him that you care about and understand his feelings. Show him that you can be in his presence without starting drama. Joke about the situation and be light hearted to show him that there are no hard feelings. Friendships are healthy and happy relationships. If you are asking can I get my ex back, then you are going to want to create a positive healthy friendship first, and see what develops or re-develops in time.

Another consideration to make when asking yourself can I get my ex back, is that communication is absolutely vital. You want to make sure that you are friendly and kind, and that you communicate well with him. Don't let him think that he can get you back all at once, though, because a little bit of playing hard to get is a good way to go. Although you are asking yourself, can I get my ex back, that does not mean you have to play as if you are desperate.

Whatever strategies you decide to pursue when addressing the question of "can I get my ex back?", it is really vital that you do not act or look desperate. You need to be able to show your ex that you are okay with everything that has transpired, and that you are capable of moving on if need be. After all, the important thing is to be friends now, and to wait and see what develops over time. Don't be afraid to have a separate romantic life from your ex, showing him that you're just fine with the breakup - As this may draw him back to you more quickly than you thought possible.

So the answer to can I get my ex back is yes, you probably can as long as you know what steps to take.

For more great tips on how to get my ex back, have a look at T 'Dub' Jackson's "The Magic Of Making Up" In this e-book you will find no nonsense, only good sensible tips and ideas to help you gt your ex back.

Check out "The Magic Of Making Up Now!"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Simple Ideas How To Get Back With Your Ex

Have a Look at This!

Go to "The Magic Of Making Up" now!

Learning how to get back with your ex is important to you because they may very well be the best thing for you. You weren't ready for that relationship to end. If it was a dating relationship that ended or a marriage that for some reason turned ugly and ended in divorce, it could be that there may be a second chance. If you aren't ready to give up on that love that got away you will want to know how to get back with your ex.

If love was once there then the possibility for it still being there may be real. You may not be able to turn back the clock or make the mistakes disappear but you can give that love another chance to live again. If you have both been able to step back away from the mistake(s) and have been given enough time to breathe you may be able to come back together just to talk. You won't want to rush right back into it though.

There were problems that interrupted the romance. You need to make sure that you are able to move past it and have any unresolved issues resolved. How can you think about starting where you left off if where you left off was a bad place. Work through the problems. If you can't then you won't be able to get back with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend for very long.

The break up may have happened because of one event. It could have been because of that one behavior that one of you couldn't handle the other doing. Whatever the problem was you need to find out how to either accept deal with the problem or find out how it can be fixed.

If the issue was one cheating on the other, that may be hard to overcome. Trust has been broken and getting that trust back will be difficult. Overcoming a heartbreak because of that is difficult and it needs to be given both time and a reason to believe that there can be trust again. This is an area that marriage counseling or other type of couple's therapy can be helpful.

It is important not to come across as needy. You may feel desperate to get them back but this will only be seen as something that will give your ex power over you. You need to seem confident and that you are OK with yourself. The more confident you feel, the more likely they are going to be impressed with you and find you attractive once again.

More than anything If you want to know how to get back with your ex, you are going to be confident that it is the right thing to do. Always ask yourself if this is the right thing to do. Make sure that you are going to be better off with them than you are without them. If it is only going to turn bad again then all your work trying to figure out how to get back with your ex will have been in vain.

For more tips and simple ideas how to get back with your ex, have a look at "The Magic Of Making Up"