Monday, December 28, 2009
How To Make Him Or Her Fall In Love Again
See, if you know why a person fell in love with you in the first place, you know how to make that person fall in love with you all over again, as many times as you want – even forever! The trick is figuring out why your mate fell in love with you from the start.
How do you do that? You ask. Bear in mind asking, “Why do you love me?” isn't the best question to ask in this instance. If you don't believe me, ask your mom why she loves your dad. She'll likely say (like most people) “I don't know exactly why I love him, I just do.”
But the truth is that people fall in love with someone because of how that someone makes them feel about themselves. So if you want to find out exactly what it was that started it all, way back when, ask your partner what it was you made them feel, about themselves, when they first began to fall in love with you.
Maybe you made him feel like he was the most sexy man on the planet, or you made her feel like she was intelligent and interesting. In any case, whatever you made them feel about themselves, it's a sure indication feeling that way makes them very happy.
Knowing what makes your partner very happy, what makes him/her feel really good about themselves makes helping them to fall in love with you again a pretty simple operation.
How? Because once you know how you made your significant other feel about him/herself when your relationship first began, you'll have the key to unlocking those feelings of falling in love again over and over in your lives, as many times as you want.
So go ahead and try it today. Ask your partner, “How did I make you feel, about yourself, when we were dating or when we first met?” Then, once you have the answer, do whatever you need to do to recreate that feeling.
Read More About Relationships at: Relationship Rescue Tips
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Warning Signs Of A Break Up What You Need To Do NOW
So what should you be looking out for? The obvious one is if you are both always arguing. I believe it is healthy for couples to argue occasionally as making up is fun! But when you just fight and don’t make friends, you are on dangerous ground.
Perhaps worse is when you have gone past the stage of fighting and now just ignore one another. There is nothing lonelier than sharing a double bed with someone and having enough room to drive a huge bus between you. Some of the loneliest people are those that are in a broken relationship.
Another sign you could look for is whether your partner prefers to spend time with other people. Now don’t get paranoid on me. No matter how much they love you, we all need some time out with our own friends. It is when your partner is spending more time with the other people, than with you and your family, that you need to worry.
If you see any signs of trouble, you cannot ignore them, but you need to deal with it now. Before you tackle your partner, you need to first decide what you want. Do you see a future with this person? If you do then you need to fight for your happiness; but in a very nice way. Shouting matches or physical violence are not the way forward.
If you have children arrange for a friend to mind them. Ask your other half out for the evening. If you go to a public place like a restaurant, the conversation is less likely to descend into an argument.
Don’t jump into the chat by flinging accusations or telling your spouse how let down/ignored/unhappy you feel. You will only put them on the defensive and that will lead to an argument. Instead, ask them how they are feeling. Are they happy with the current situation? Is there anything they feel could be improved?
Listen to what they say and try to stay calm and non judgemental. It is not going to be easy and you may have to listen to some uncomfortable stuff. But you want your relationship to work out don’t you.
You may not be able to resolve your issues in one evening, however, it could be all it takes to start the process of getting your relationship back on track. There is a solution for every problem and you just need time to find yours. In the meantime, you need to reassure each other that you share a mutual bond of love and respect and that is worth fighting for.
Acknowledging the warning signs of a break up and taking action is the first step on the road to recovery. If you both want it, you can save your relationship and live happily ever after.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Can I Get My Ex To Love Me Again - Yes I Can
Men and women get out of relationships for different reasons, many of which are not understood by the opposite sex because men's and women's brains are wired differently. This makes things even more confusing. Some situations seem to be pretty straight-forward but most aren't.
So before we tackle your goal of getting your ex back, let's take a look at why he or she isn't around in the first place.
Why do men leave relationships? It's pretty simple, really. They leave when they aren't getting what they need. And one sure thing that they need is admiration and respect. It might be for that reason that they they left . . .and maybe they found it somewhere else. One of the most common reasons men give for leaving their wife or girlfriend is “No matter what I did, I couldn’t make her happy!”
Why do women leave relationships? They leave because they feel unappreciated and/or they leave because they are bored. What do you commonly hear from unhappy women? “He doesn’t appreciate a thing I do!”
Now, you might think that your ex's reasons for leaving don't fit into one of those categories. You may be thinking, "my husband left me because I cheated on him." But why did you cheat on him in the first place? It probably has something to do with the fact that you weren't getting the attention and appreciation you needed. Or maybe you're thinking. . .although that's not an excuse. Or maybe you're thinking "My girlfriend left me because I was never around." But ask yourself, why were you never around?
Now that you're not in continuous contact with your ex, you can take time to look at things more objectively. Use this time constructively to list all the positive and negative factors in your relationship. In the meantime, make sure you take care of yourself, eat healthy foods and exercise when possible.
Then, after you've had time to concentrate on yourself and look at your relationship with more objective eyes, you can think about making that first contact with your ex. Ask him or her out for coffee in a nonchalant manner. If he or she says yes, go out, talk about light non-threatening subjects and keep it short. At the end of the date, don't re-schedule another unless your ex suggests it. So, in answer to your question "Can I get my ex to love me again?" Yes, you can!
The date may go well, the date may go ok or the date may go terribly. In the last case, you'll need to re-evaluate your situation and see if you want to continue trying later on or if you need to think about moving on.
But if the date goes well, you will see how the answer to "Can I Get My Ex to Love Me Again?" is "Yes, I can!"
Friday, November 20, 2009
Getting Boyfriend Back Go Get Him
If you are more experienced in being pursued than pursuing than you may be in for a tough time, unless you can figure out a way to hunt that suits your strengths.
You have to use the tools that you have at your disposal. You will have to be creative. You will also have to know how guys think and make decisions and use that to your advantage. Getting boyfriend back may rely on the hunter becoming the hunted.
The natural role of the male is that of the hunter. It is usually the guy who wants to go out and capture what he wants. He needs to feel the thrill of the pursuit. He needs to feel like he is attaining something. Yes, he needs to feel like he scored.
How do you use that to your advantage? Is there something that you can do to go out and recapture someone who would rather be the one capturing instead of being captured? Yes, there is. Getting boyfriend back is going to cause you to trick the boyfriend back into thinking that he is pursuing you and capturing you.
In getting boyfriend back, you are going to have to use everything that you know about your ex boyfriend. You are going to have to know what he is interested in. You have to know what drives him and what makes him jump at opportunities. You may have to look very closely, though, because things may have changed. Pay close attention to what motivates him to act and then see if you can get and be those things that motivates him.
What this means is that you are going to be using yourself as bait in trying to land this big fish. The greatest draw that will help you in getting boyfriend back is going to be what you cause him to see in you. Become what it is that he wants you to be. Let him see that you are what he is looking for and can’t live without. That you are what he has to have and what he has to go after.
You have to be subtle taking this strategy in getting boyfriend back. You can’t throw yourself down and say, “Here I am!” As attractive as you might be you may have just made yourself boring. What he needs to have is a chase.
What you are going to do is cause him to imagine you. You have to give him just a bit of attention and a small piece of what it is that he wants to see and then take it away. Don’t take it too far away, remember ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Your goal is to make yourself just out of reach after making him want to reach out for you.
Getting boyfriend back requires a bit of teasing but it is a great way for the hunter to get what they want.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Get Your Ex To Come Back What Works And What Does Not
Right off the bat, the best approach to take is the one of giving your ex some time and space initially. Remember that regardless of who broke up with whom, your ex is going to need some time in order to get over the breakup itself. They are going to need time and space from you. At this point, if you continue to see them often, you risk alienating them even further and dooming your chances of ever getting back together with them.
Eventually, they’ll get over the breakup. At that point, you can start to build your relationship with them again. It is at this point that the successful strategies can diverge. There is the aggressive strategy and the conservative one from this point.
The aggressive strategy calls for you to really ramp things up and gamble on them not really being committed to the breakup. You can push them a bit harder with the aggressive strategy, but you still need to walk the line in order to make sure that you don’t overdo things. If you do, you risk the strategy backfiring and you losing your ex both as a potential lover and as a potential friend.
Many people are interested in staying friends with their ex even if they can’t get them to come back. If you want to make sure that your ex is your friend if you can’t get your ex to come back, the conservative strategy is the one for you to take. This involves slowly letting the relationship build and then going from good friends to lovers when the opportunity presents itself. Do not push your ex and do not push yourself. You’ve got time as friends that you can treasure until the opportune moment comes.
This strategy is often less successful at getting back to a romantic relationship than the aggressive one because the opportunities for change are fewer when you’re being conservative. However, it doesn’t have the same blowback potential that the aggressive one has and therefore is better overall for making sure that you maintain some kind of positive relationship with your ex, even if that relationship is non-romantic in nature.
In the end, the decision that you make will have a lot to do with the priorities that you have. If you definitely want your ex back romantically and don’t care about their friendship, you’re more likely to go aggressive. If you want to preserve some kind of relationship with them at all costs, conservative is the obvious choice.
What is very important when you think about how to get your ex to come back, is that you have a good plan. Know what you want to do, the risks involved and how to go about it. For the best possible advice for how to get your ex to come back, go to The Making Up System now.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
5 Strategies To Win Back Lost Love
First of all, you need to be honest to yourself and to each other. If there were underlying problems in your relationship, it is essential that you address them. For instance, if housework was a big issue, you need to address it before you can get back together.
If you are messy and your ex was a neat freak, it can cause a considerable amount of stress in the relationship. If one person felt they were doing all the housework, it can cause a strain. Finances are another area where there can be strain. To win back lost love, you have to address these areas before you get back together.
Next, you need to be a dependable person. If you have broken up already, you need to be dependable as an ex. You need to be there when he or she needs you, even though you no longer have a “responsibility” to. For instance, if she’s moving, lend a helping hand and your truck. If he needs someone to type his resume, do it for him.
Third, encourage your ex. One of the things people miss when they break up is the encouragement their partner gives them. So, to win back lost love, try to find out where they are discouraged and cheer them up. If they are having a performance review at work, send an email timed to get there right before the meeting. If they are singing a solo at church, show up to give them some moral support.
Fourth, listen to them when they call. Most of the time after a break up, there is some level of communication. Often, this degenerates into fights. But, if you really listen to the things your ex is telling you, you may be able to figure out a way to get back into their life. Encourage them to share their problems with you. Don’t try to solve them. Just let them express their concerns with life. Be a sounding board.
Fifth, don’t sit on the sidelines. Life is meant to be played on the playing field. If you sit on the sidelines, it’s likely that someone else will become the quarterback of their life. Don’t give up on the relationship unless you are ready to move on yourself. Things are not going to get better on their own. You have to go out and make things better.
If you want to win back lost love, you have to take this five part action guide to heart. You have to be proactive.
The most important thing is to really care about your ex and to show him or her that you do care. You shouldn’t be worried if they date other people because they will come back to you if you are the right person for them.
You should know that it is possible to win back lost love. Now go out there and do it!
These five points are an excellent start. It is important to take action and have a plan. Go to The Making Up System, have a look at all the free videos and get all the help you need. Get a good plan, go to The Making Up System,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Getting Back Together After A Break Up
It will take a commitment from the both of you and a desire to give in and work together to overcome the things that caused the break up or divorce. If, though, it is one sided and you are the only one who is truly interested in getting back together after a break up, then you may be fighting an uphill battle.
What is going to make to getting back together after a break up work or not is total commitment from both of you. Each of you have to be able to concede that you were and are wrong about things. You have to be able to admit that without trying to justify everything.
When you try to justify mistakes you made you are essentially making up excuses. Just be able to admit it and move on to correct it. It will likely take both of you working together to overcome your mistakes. It is a partnership that both of you are going to have to be invested in 100% but the commitment level from both of you needs to be totally equal.
It is very easy to think that it is the other person that has to do the work. It is too easy to let one person do the work. If it is just one person who is doing the bulk of the work in this reconciliation effort, it most likely is going to fail. It took two to make the relationship or marriage take place originally.
Repairing the relationship is going to take both of you together. You have to struggle together for there to be a life together at all. This is something that you should have known when you first got together and it is something that you have to know for it to work from here on out.
If you are the only one of the two of you who thinks that getting back together after a break up is a good thing, then it is only you who is going to be putting forth the effort. It is sad to say but if it isn’t both of you wanting it and working towards it, it may be a fruitless endeavor.
This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try, it just means that you will have a monumentally tough time making this work. It is hard enough getting back together after a break up when two of you are working for it. Getting back together after a break up on your own may just take a lot more patience and perseverance.
Again, it will be difficult no matter what. What is going to help with the success of it is making sure that you have a good support system. If you have friends and family who are not only encouraging you but helping you, your chances of success grow as you continue getting back together after a break up.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Dont Be A Dumped Boyfriend Who Does Everything Wrong
Keri called Sam that night and told him that she never wanted to see him again. She called him a number of unprintable names as well.
Of course, Sam felt bad about the whole situation. He knew he had a lapse of judgment, but didn’t think that one evening of bad behavior should end a good relationship.
So, Sam jumped right in and tried to win Keri back. But, as we will see, he did everything wrong.
First of all, when Keri called, he groveled. Rather than apologizing and moving forward, he begged Keri to take him back. She, of course, was in no mood to do so. She was justifiably angry.
Then, he compounded the problem by pursuing her aggressively in the next few days. She got more than a hundred texts from him in 6 days. He called at least 3 times a day including once at 1 in the morning. He sent flowers to her at work.
Then, a week later, completely desperate, he went and sang love songs under her window. Her neighbors called the police.
Sam’s first problem was that he didn’t give Keri a chance to breathe. She needed some space to decide whether to go on with the relationship. And, her dumped boyfriend took that space away.
When nothing seemed to work, Sam decided on another tack. He started seeing other girls and flaunting it in her face.
Keri had a friend named Robin who never seemed to be able to get a date. Sam asked Robin out and she accepted. Then, Sam called Keri and asked her where Robin would like to go on their date. Sam thought that Keri would be jealous when she heard he was dating her friend.
But Keri was furious. She felt that Sam was taking advantage of Robin to get back at her. And, she felt Robin was selling her out. Sam was making no headway here.
When Keri started dating a new guy, Sam did everything possible to disparage the boyfriend. He tried to compare the new guy unfavorably to himself.
Unfortunately, by this time, Sam had burned all of his bridges. Keri had moved on and didn’t want to have anything further to do with Sam.
The relationship didn’t have to end like this. Keri could have forgiven Sam for his lapse at the party. But, because Sam acted like an oaf afterwards, he lost the ability to get her back. If you are a dumped boyfriend, don’t compound matters by being a Sam.
Handling relationship problems the right way is vital. Go to The Making Up System and get all the help you need. You do not have to be a dumped boyfriend who does everything wrong, get advice from The Making Up System and you will know what to do.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me
A lot of people never understand why their relationship ended. I find it amazing that many people going through a divorce are unable to explain why they are ending their marriage, especially when there are children involved.
It takes two to break up a relationship despite the fact that it is very easy to blame the other person. Even when someone else has an affair, it isn't always 100% their fault. Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning anyone being unfaithful but sometimes people are pushed into things.
If you take your man or woman for granted and forget to pay them any attention, they may end up looking somewhere else. Some people will have affairs just because they can get away with it. These people do not belong in a monogamous relationship. But sometimes, a relationship is worth saving and the affair, whilst hurtful, can eventually strengthen the bonds between the couple.
Examining why a couple broke up will help both parties understand the issues in their relationship. It will highlight those areas that require work. All partnerships involve work and commitment.
Men and women often appear to live on different planets never mind speak other languages. My husband once said to my Dad that he didn’t understand me. My dads’ reply: that is where you are going wrong son you Never try to understand a woman!
Whilst it is the sexual attraction that initially attracts men and women, it is their compatibility that will keep them together long after the sexual flame resembles a candle as opposed to a flame thrower. So before you start wondering how your ex partner is feeling, you need to be certain of your own wants and desires.
Are you sure that this person is right for you? Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with them? Do you want the same things out of life i.e. kids, traveling, similar standard of living etc? Do you share the same ideals and views about how to live your life?
It is very important to first establish if you would like to try again. Knowing what you want will help you to work out what your ex wants. Despite what Hollywood and other entertainment providers would have you believe, men want stable happy relationships just as much as women. Generally the male is not as good as vocalizing what he wants and can finish a relationship rather than have to deal with a bad patch.
So instead of wasting time trying to answer does my ex want to get back with me, why not invite him round for coffee and see what happens.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Get My Ex Back
Friday, October 9, 2009
Are You Sure You Want Your Ex Back
Forcing someone into a huge life commitment like having a child against their will does not usually result in a long term happy relationship. If you have very different viewpoints on these life issues, you should stay apart and find someone more compatible to fall in love with.
If you want your ex back and your relationship was serious then you might want to suggest counseling. It is often helpful to have an impartial person listen to your discussions. You are less likely to lose your temper, storm out and find yourself suddenly single again.
For more help if You Want Your Ex Back go to The Making Up System
9 Steps To Ex Get Back Together
While calling ten times a day says you’re desperate, phoning once or twice a week keeps you on her radar.
2. Similarly, send her an email from time to time.
3. Don’t date other girls.
As long as you’re pining for her, be true to her. If you do occasionally see another girl, don’t sleep with her if you ever want to get back together with your ex. Get back together without creating a new “history” with other women.
4. Don’t forget her birthday.
A birthday is a great “excuse” to get back in touch. Everyone likes to be remembered, celebrated, and even gifted on their birthday. So, treat her like a princess on this day.
5. Analyze her.
Figure out what she needs in a man. Be aware of what she says and does when she talks. You need to understand your ex now more than ever before.
6. Don’t be jealous.
After you’ve broken up, you don’t have any claim on her. So, don’t exhibit jealousy if she goes out with another guy. Remember she is your ex. Get back together means that you have to understand this basic principle.
7. Be on the lookout as to how she acts with other guys.
If she stands up for you when other guys put you down, it’s a good sign she’s still interested in you. But, if she takes out the butcher knife and stabs you in the back, then there’s not much hope of getting back into a healthy, happy relationship.
8. Don’t play games.
When you’re broken up with someone you love, it’s easy to start the “mind games.” But, you can damage her for life with this kind of behavior. You don’t want to hurt her if you want to get back together. So, just don’t play mind games.
Hold your cards close to your chest. Relationships are difficult. When you are together, you can communicate, but apart, you need to keep your feelings close to your vest. When you say “I love you” to a girl you’ve broken up with, you’ve given away all of your power and she has you in a precarious position.
So if you want to get back together, keep these points in mind and you will succeed.
Go to the Making Up System now for more help.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tips To Getting Your Ex Back

Having been in the nightmare that is the singles world, you have decided that your ex was fantastic and now you need to know how to get them back.
Or maybe you were the one who was dumped but having had time to pull yourself together you are determined to teach your former partner the error of their ways.
Before you consider how to get your ex back in your life, you should be 100% sure that this is the outcome that you want. You are going to spend a lot of time and energy achieving this wish but it will be a waste of everyone's time if you are doing it solely for revenge.
This applies to those people that have been dumped so start dreaming of revenge and how it will make them feel better. One quote that I believe in is revenge is a dish best served cold. What it means is that you have to let your emotions, primarily your anger, cool off before taking any action.
What I believe the quote is trying to achieve is that by the time you have cooled down, you will forget about your ex and be putting your energies into meeting someone new.
But for those of us who have decided that our ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend was the ONE, here are some tips to try to getting your ex back.
1) Do not appear needy.
Desperation is never an attractive quality. You will be far more successful in attracting your ex mate if you appear to be living your life to the full. Don't call or make contact with them. You will have sufficient mutual friends to be able to appear to be in the same location as your ex by accident.
2) Do not stalk your ex
Again this is not the way forward. You want them to come back to you not have them report you to the police for stalking.
3) Always look your best.
Wear their favorite clothes, hairstyle, makeup etc. Remember all those little details that used to drive them wild and use them to your advantage.
4) Do not try and make your ex jealous by dating someone else.
This is juvenile behavior. There is never an excuse for using another person in this way.
5) Try being direct.
Men and women often have communication issues hence the best selling books such as "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" etc. So sometimes the best way to getting your ex back is just to tell them how you feel. Apart from a little pride, what do you have to lose?
If you are certain that getting your ex back in your life will make you happy, you need to pull out all the stops!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
Many people find that once the relationship has broken up, there may still be some signs that your ex wants you back.
Sometimes people end relationships for the wrong reasons. This could be because of an argument that
If your relationship has ended and you're wondering if those signals you're receiving are signs your ex wants you back, then there are some things you should think about.
There are some men who only want to keep in touch so they can get what they need from you when they want it. However, there are some specific signs that your ex wants you back instead of just wanting to get what he can get.
It's important that you distinguish between real signs and things you hope to see. Some women love their partners so much their imagination helps them to visualize their partner making positive signals to get them back.
While it's easy to see the positive in anything he does when you're wanting him back, you must remember that some signals will be him just trying to get whatever he can get from you, while there will be definite clear signals that tell you he really wants to fix the relationship and start over.
Signs Your Ex Wants You Back
Perhaps the biggest sign your ex wants you back is when he begins trying to communicate with you frequently. You start to notice you're getting phone calls or text messages and emails more regularly and he seems to want to just keep in touch.
This is often a good sign that he wants to test the waters to see if you're still angry or if you're willing to talk.
If you notice during conversations with him that he keeps telling you about things he's doing that are new or different, these could be signs that he's trying to impress you by improving himself.
In his mind, he'd be thinking he wasn't good enough to make the relationship work last time, so working to find ways to impress you, such as joining a gym or taking self-help classes or aiming at a new promotion at work or trying to earn more money could be ways for him to try and prove to you that he's a better catch now.
Another way to recognize signs your ex wants you back could be listening carefully to the questions he asks you when you catch up again. If he seems to be very interested in what you're doing and who you spend your time with, then he still has some interest in you. He's testing the waters to be sure you don't have a new guy on the scene.
The biggest possible signs your ex wants you back are unmistakable, yet many women miss them! When he says to you 'I miss you and I want you back', this is an absolutely certain sign he really wants to come back.
It's surprising how many men tell their ex-girlfriends this, yet the emotionally worried woman simply doesn't hear it – or worse, she doesn't believe it. She thinks it's a trick or that there's a catch.
The truth is, if he looks you in the eye and tells you he wants to come back, then don't quiz him or accuse him or be doubtful about his signs. Smile.
Be the happy, confident person he fell in love with and that he enjoys spending time with. After all, it's the positive signs your ex wants you back that you should be looking for.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Can Positive Thinking Get My Boyfriend Back
Maybe you should first look at this video:
After going through a difficult breakup most people would be willing to try just about anything to stop the pain and get their love back. If you have done everything you can think of to do and are now wondering, 'how to get back with ex husband?", then this article is for you.
There has been a lot of talk recently about the effects of positive thinking and how it can impact your daily life. Using this process to get back with your boyfriend seems like a logical next step. But it isn't the do all; end all you may have heard. There is more to it than just the thinking part.
To successfully use positive thinking to make the desired changes in your life you have to remember that it takes two steps: picture what you want, and take specific action to make that want a reality.
Just sitting around day dreaming about getting your boyfriend back won't do it. But thinking about getting your boyfriend back while you take positive steps to make it happen will be more likely to work.
So what positive steps should you be taking? Usually this is where most people mess up, they take a lot of action but it's all the wrong kinds of action.
You don't want to constantly text, email and call your ex. That won't accomplish a thing except perhaps a restraining order. What you want to do is leave it alone.
I know this sounds wrong, but it's not. No one is attracted to a clingy, weepy, desperate person and your ex won't be either. You need to take a step back and spend some time working on you. Don't change who you are to get your boyfriend back, but honestly analyze any areas in your life that could use a little change of attitude. This is for you not for him.
The beauty of this is that you make yourself into a better person all the while giving him time to miss you and remember why he fell in love with you in the first place.
That way no matter what happens, whether you get back together or not, you will have grown as a person and will have more to offer whomever you find yourself in a relationship with.
Can positive thinking get my boyfriend back? Yes...sort of. Just remember that positive thinking is only step 1 in a 2 step method. Use both steps to have the absolute best chance of accomplishing your goals.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Can You And Your Boyfriend Get Back Together
If you’ve broken up, you probably wonder can you and your boyfriend get back together? Sadly, there’s no one right answer to that question. It depends a lot on you and your boyfriend, and the dynamic of your relationship.

If you wonder can you and your boyfriend get back together, you may want to speak to a counselor and let them evaluate your situation.
Marriage and couple counselors have heard all sorts of problems and sorts of reasons from both the husbands and wives. They’re experienced in dealing with these sorts of conflicts and may be able to help you. If you ask them, should me and my boyfriend get back together? you might be surprised at their answer.
The goal of marriage and couple counselors is to save relationships. Unfortunately, many of these programs aren’t that good at really diagnosing the problem. If either half of the couple lies, it makes it even more difficult for them to treat you.
But once they get to the bottom of things, you might be surprised how accurate they are. And since their goal is to help you handle your relationship, the word divorce isn’t thrown around. If you go to counseling talking about divorce it might come up. Or if they really feel that you’re in a dangerous or destructive relationship.
But for the most part, their aim is to keep you together or get you back together in a way that you can both be happy. The hardest part of you and your boyfriend get back together will probably be getting him to go to the counseling in the first place.
The good news is that he doesn’t actually have to go. You can decide to go to couple counseling on your own. It might not be as effective, but it does a couple of very good things for you when you’re trying to get back together.
First, it shows him that you’re serious. If he won’t go and you opt to without him, then it seems to him that you’re really trying hard to change something about your relationship. Why else would you go alone to a session meant for two people?
Second, you can learn some important tips and techniques in counseling that you can start putting to use right away. Just because he’s not going to counseling that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve the relationship by leaps and bounds.
You’ll learn communication skills and persuasion skills that can make a real difference in how the two of you relate to each other. And if he sees you going to counseling and better able to handle yourself in general without getting angry with him, that could actually prompt him to decide to go, too.
You have to set the example and hope he follows if you’re the only that will voluntarily go. Whether you and your boyfriend get back together or not, you will have benefited personally from the skills you learned in counseling so it’s definitely worth going.
Have a look at the Making Up System for more very good tips on how you and your boyfriend can get back together.
The Making Up System
Sunday, June 21, 2009
How To Win Back A Love By Looking After Yourself
First of all, have a look at this free video from TW Jackson about unsolicited testimonials for The Magic Of Making Up System
Understanding how to win back a love lost is something that we are not taught. So when the time comes and we need to actually make up with someone who's walked out on us, someone we still love, it can be a frustrating hit and miss affair.
So here's your chance to once and for all, discover how to win back your love and
Don't make the mistake of chasing after your ex, especially if the breakup is fresh and raw. If the drama of what went on is still ringing in your ears then you need to back off and give your ex some space.
Pursuing them now will only do two things: drive them further away and make your job of winning them back that much harder. So stop all communication with your ex and walk away.
While you're away from your ex you should ideally spend a good amount of that time looking after yourself and being kind to yourself. Even if you made a big mistake that caused the breakup, you still need to forgive yourself and be kind to yourself.
To win back a love you need to be firing on top form and sitting home night after night feeling sorry for yourself won't do.
So get out and about and find your old friends and have some fun with them. If you need to make new friends, then do that. Not only will doing this keep you occupied and stop you being tempted to contact your ex, but it will also go a long way to boosting your self-esteem and and self-confidence. Both of which you're going to need big time to win back a love who's walked out.
Another good tip is to take some regular exercise. I know not everyone cares for the gym, but it doesn't have to be such an obvious choice. Think about regular walks, a dancing class or a regular swim.
Whichever exercise routine you decide is right for you, by taking exercise you will be releasing endorphins and endorphins are known to foster all round feelings of good health, encourage and boost energy, help you with your focus and keep your weight under control. All of which are crucial to keep you believing that you can win back a love and help you make the right decisions to do so.
It's the easiest thing in the world to get dumped and find that you're sitting around doing nothing but gaining weight and losing your confidence, so follow through on what's been laid out here and your chances of success are set.
For more help, have a look at The Magic Of Making Up System!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
How To Win Ex Girlfriend Back - All It Takes Is An Apology
If she walked out on you, then all that you are probably thinking about right now is what you can do to know how to win ex girlfriend back.
Maybe you did not initially understand how much you loved and cared about her, or maybe you didn't realize you loved her at all until it was too late.
Now that she has walked out on you, however, you are feeling intense pain and a desperate need to learn how to win ex girlfriend back.
Here is some information that will help you while you try to get a handle on how you are going to lure her back into your arms once and for all.
Maybe you made some silly mistakes in the relationship, but we have all been there so don't fret.
If you are serious about learning how to win ex girlfriend back, then you need to move past the bad times and start working on rekindling things.
If you did something wrong to lead to the breakup, and you need to apologize, then now is your chance to be prepared to make this happen.
You should not just apologize as part of how to win ex girlfriend back, but rather you should understand what you are apologizing for.
You do not need to rewrite history as part of knowing how to win ex girlfriend back, but instead you are going to need to find a way to focus on rebuilding the relationship for the future rather than to repair the past.
If you are serious about doing what it takes to learn how to win ex girlfriend back, then there are two points that need to be addressed in your apology.
Do you need to talk to a professional regarding your behavior? If you are not sincere about getting the help that you need, then you are wasting your time and her time as well.
If you cheated on her, then you need to figure out why so that you can keep it from happening again. If you hurt her in some other way, you need to discover what caused it so that you can prevent it.
Prevent the same situation from happening again, and you will know how to win ex girlfriend back once and for all.
When you finally do talk to your ex girlfriend, you need to be willing to apologize her to know how to win ex girlfriend back, and you need to make sure that you give her space and time after apologizing so that she can think things through and figure out what she wants.
If you do not give her time, she'll come to a conclusion that is counterproductive for the relationship, so do not force her to make a decision until she is ready.
Have a look at this video from T 'Dub' Jackson about getting your ex back:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Get Guy Back - Get Him Back After A Breakup
If you were recently involved in a breakup but you want to get guy back, then you need to listen up because the next actions that you engage in are going to be vital in determining whether or not you can get him back.
This can be a difficult time for you to deal with once your man has broken up with you.
You probably do not even fell like your own self at this point. Life may even seem to have lost its meaning entirely.
If you want to get guy back, your options are rather limited because the next few actions that you engage in will determine whether or not your relationship even stands a chance.
Getting back together with someone who has broken up with you is a task that can be relatively difficult if you do not know what you are doing.
If your ex decided that he no longer wanted to be with you, it may be difficult for you to get guy back, but you can still try if you feel so inclined.
That being said, you need to know what steps to take in order to get guy back once you have been broken up with.
First and foremost you need to make sure that getting back together with him is really what you are looking for. Is getting back together with him really what you want in your life right now, or will you benefit from some space and time?
The most critical aspect for you to consider beyond this when you want to get guy back is to realize that while sometimes relationships work sometimes they do not.
Some people are capable of making up and moving on with the relationship while others simply cannot rekindle things as they would like.
Even if you do not succeed, it will still be worthwhile to make an attempt to get guy back, so at least you can say that you tried even if the relationship does not find a way to be rekindled in the future.
One of the best things that you can do in order to get guy back is to stop worrying or acting desperately about the situation.
Simply admit to yourself that whatever is going to happen is going to happen. Don't worry what he is doing or feel bad that he's away, but work on living your own life instead.
You need to prove to him that you are capable of being mature about the break up if you want to get guy back. This is the most important thing that you can do, even if it is difficult or stressful.
Try to limit contact with him when you are trying to get guy back, so he will know that you are capable of moving on.
This will remind him of how much he enjoyed having you in his life, and he will begin to miss you. If the relationship is meant to be, then it will be.
Have A Look At This Free Video From TW Jackson:
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Boyfriend Break Up Is It Possible to Get Ex Back
Did your boyfriend break up with you? This is a rough time in your life. You are probably hurting and want to know what caused your boyfriend break up.
First of all, while you can use this time to look at yourself and where you are in your life, don’t do too much introspection. The truth behind why your boyfriend break up with you is that he had his own issues. You know what they say, “it’s not you, it’s me.”
You can spend time trying to get your ex back.
If you are going to go down this route, you need to know the following things:
- Don’t pester your ex – when your boyfriend break up with you, it meant that you have more limited access to him. So don’t text him multiple times a day or call him a lot.
- It’s okay to flirt with other guys in his presence. It may even make him want you back more.
- When you do get back together for a “trial date” be cheerful and friendly but don’t pressure him for more than he can handle.
But, if you have a feeling in your gut that the relationship is over when your boyfriend break up with you, then you need to start moving on.
One of the first things you can do after your boyfriend break up is to sit down and write a long letter to him pouring out your heart.
You can talk about the good times and bad. You can tell him what a jerk he is and call him all sorts of names. But, don’t mail the letter! Instead, take a candle out and burn it. This is one of the best ways to get closure after a boyfriend break up.
The next thing you need to do is do a property exchange. Give him back the t-shirt that you love to sleep in. Get the econ textbook you lent him. If there are things like toothbrushes that are too trivial to exchange, throw them away.
Don’t have anything around that reminds you of him. If you have gifts that he gave you, box them up for the time being. If you have any money issues to resolve like debts to the other or a joint checking account, get them sorted out.
After you have completed the property exchange, agree that you won’t have any communication for 30 days. This may be hard if you are used to seeing each other on a daily basis, but after a boyfriend break up it is necessary to give yourself some space and distance.
It hurts a lot when a boyfriend break up with you. But it isn’t the end of your life. You can even look at it as a good thing because it means that you are now free to meet your true soul mate.
Of course, you shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that just because you’ve gone through a boyfriend break up that all of the doors are firmly shut. If you think you have a shot of winning him back and that’s something you want, you should by all means take the opportunity to do so.
True love can even survive a boyfriend break up.
The most important thing is, you must have a plan! For the best possible plan, go to The Magic Of Making Up System.
Have a look at some of the testimonials T 'Dub' has received from people that used the System:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
How To Win Back A Love By Looking After Yourself
Understanding how to win back a love lost is something that we are not taught.
So when the time comes and we need to actually make up with someone who's walked out on us, someone we still love, it can be a frustrating hit and miss affair.
So here's your chance to once and for all, discover how to win back your love and keep them.
Don't make the mistake of chasing after your ex, especially if the breakup is fresh and raw. If the drama of what went on is still ringing in your ears then you need to back off and give your ex some space.
Pursuing them now will only do two things: drive them further away and make your job of winning them back that much harder. So stop all communication with your ex and walk away.
While you're away from your ex you should ideally spend a good amount of that time looking after yourself and being kind to yourself.
Even if you made a big mistake that caused the breakup, you still need to forgive yourself and be kind to yourself.
To win back a love you need to be firing on top form and sitting home night after night feeling sorry for yourself won't do.
So get out and about and find your old friends and have some fun with them. If you need to make new friends, then do that.
Not only will doing this keep you occupied and stop you being tempted to contact your ex, but it will also go a long way to boosting your self-esteem and and self-confidence. Both of which you're going to need big time to win back a love who's walked out.
Another good tip is to take some regular exercise. I know not everyone cares for the gym, but it doesn't have to be such an obvious choice.
- Think about regular walks
- a dancing class
- a regular swim.
All of which are crucial to keep you believing that you can win back a love and help you make the right decisions to do so.
It's the easiest thing in the world to get dumped and find that you're sitting around doing nothing but gaining weight and losing your confidence, so follow through on what's been laid out here and your chances of success are set.
Now for more specific help, Get The Magic Of Making Up System, follow it and you are sure to win back your love.
Have a look at this free video with testimonials from people helped by The Magic Of Making Up System.
Go to The Magic Of Making Up System now! Access is instant.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
How To Get Girl Back If You've Been A Jerk
How To Get Girl Back If You've Been A Jerk
Have A Look At This Free Video From T 'Dub' Jackson!
A few situations in life are a huge struggle and one of them is how to successfully get girl back and keep her after you've messed up big time!
- Did you cheat?
- Were you neglectful?
- Selfish?
Or just unlucky?
The questions could go on. Whichever or whatever you did, if you seriously want to get girl back, you're going to have to sort yourself out!
It's no doubt going to be tough for you, but I'm going to suggest something counter-intuitive: leave her alone!
Give her some time to herself. You never know, she might well realize that she misses you and agrees to starting up the relationship again all on her own.
Don't dismiss this possibility, even if all looks lost right now, equally don't cling to it as a possibility. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't!
However, if what you need to get girl back is a much more direct and hands on approach then again, take some time out and use that time to get your head straight.
By default, you give her some time to think also and put the whole thing into much needed perspective.
So, find your friends and spend time with them.
Make sure you're not pestering her with emails and texts and accidentally trying to bump into her in the places where you know she hangs out. This will only back fire on you and ruin your chances of getting her back, because she'll only become annoyed with you.
If you neglected her, missed her birthday, hardly ever took her out, then you need to seriously look at that behavior.
No girl worth her salt is going to put up with such behavior.
A girl wants and needs, to be taken out and made a fuss of.
She needs to know that you want to be with her for more than the obvious. If you fail to show her that, then she will walk and find a guy who can show her that.
If all that you did was hang around with your friends and ignored her wishes, then again, you're going to have to understand that this is not the way to treat a girl.
If you're sure that you want a girlfriend then it's time to fix up, look good and look sharp!
Start acting like she's important to you.
To get girl back you now need to show her that you have understood her needs and you are ready and prepared to meet those needs.
Don't mess up and try and get her back under false pretenses. It won't work for long and maybe when she leaves the next time, she'll be gone for good.
So, to get girl back you need a plan!
If you are serious, desperately want her back! Have a look at The Magic Of Making Up. T. 'Dub' has written an ebook that is surely going to give you all the tips you need.
If you are serious to get girl back, go to: The Magic Of Making Up!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
How To Win Your Love Back And Keep Them
How To Win Your Love Back And Keep Them
If you're looking around wondering how to win your love back, then you've no doubt found yourself in a situation where you're still in love with your ex, but your ex has walked out of the relationship.
Your first step to win your love back has to be to take some time out and get your head together. It would be a big mistake to try and win back your ex within days of the breakup, particularly if it has been a messy breakup. So make sure that you take some time to sort yourself out.
Your first thought should always be to look after yourself. That means avoiding your ex and making no contact with them at all. It's not going to be easy to go from being in a relationship with your ex to making no contact with your ex, but it is vital that you do. Contacting your ex makes you weak and puts you in a negative and vulnerable position.
Particularly if your ex has asked to be left alone. Constantly calling or trying to see your ex means that you become less appealing to them. Exs hate needy and desperate, so back off if you want to win your love back.
Instead, work at sorting yourself our. As you focus on yourself make sure that you're not spending all your time on your own. It is very easy to find that when the love of your life walks out on you that you end up filling that space doing nothing but thinking about them. This is a surefire way to find yourself depressed and low and recovering from depression brings a whole other level of problems that you don't need.
Get out and about and reconnect with your family and friends. Meet new people and make yourself have some fun. Yeah, it's not going to be easy, but if it's the way forward to figuring out how to win your love back, then you have to do it.
As you slowly get back on your feet after the shock of the breakup, you should then begin to think about any role that you might have played in the breakup of the relationship.
It is very easy to blame your ex for everything that has gone wrong, but remember, it takes two to make a relationship and two to break that relationship. So during this time away from your ex as you work on figuring out how to get back with them, make sure that you are honest with yourself and that you claim any part of the breakup that is down to you.
Did you make a mistake that caused the break down of the relationship? If you did, then you need to figure out how you're going to rectify the behavior that led to the mistake and the eventual breakup.
Though some of the outlined steps might seem counter-intuitive, if you're serious about figuring out how to win your love back, they are steps that you must take.
The important thing is to have a step by step plan that will lead you in your heartfelt pursuit.
Frankly, that's what our friend, James, did when his true love dumped me. He followed a plan authored by T 'Dub' Jackson. When his cause was almost hopeless and he was dying inside, it hauled him up by his bootstraps and helped him get his life's love back. It's called "The Magic of Making Up" and you can check it out "The Magic Of Making Up"